Monday 18 April 2011

Lectio Divina: the ladder of Monks

The painting is a version I did of Jacob's dream (based on a pic I saw on the net). It can be seen as an analogy of a spiritual journey and has been used as a metaphor to describe Lectio Divina.... based on the story in Gen 28:12 when Jacob dreamt of a 'stairway to heaven' Read more about Lectio Divina as a ladder with 4 rungs:
The ladder of Monks by Guigo the Carthusian

I mentioned sacred:space and my encounter with Psalm 131 through Lectio Divina in a previous post Caroline complied the following instructions - Try them out with one of the suggested passages. The suggestions come from a website soul shepherding

Genesis 18: 1-15; Psalm 23; Psalm 27: 1-6; Psalm 42: 1-8; Psalm 46:1-10; Psalm 63: 1-8; Psalm 84: 1-10; Psalm 131; Isaiah 43: 1-4; Isaiah 53: 4-8; Ezekiel 34: 11-16; Song of Songs 2: 10-14; Matthew 5: 3-12; Luke 6: 37-42; John 1: 1-5; John 14: 9-20; John 15: 1-10; Romans 8: 31-39; 1 Corinthians 13: 4-13; Galatians 5: 22-26; Ephesians 3: 14-21; Revelation 7: 14-17; Revelation 21: 1-7
Firstly, prepare yourself. Get comfortable and allow yourself to become calm and silent. Perhaps focus on your breathing for a few minutes. Submit yourself and the exercise to God.

1) Read the passage through slowly, several times. Be attentive for any words or phrases which particularly connect with you; which seem to be for you today. If you wish, underline or write down the words which have caught your attention

2) Take the word or phrase into yourself. Memorize it and slowly repeat it to yourself, allowing it to interact with your inner world of concerns, memories and ideas. Notice any thoughts or feelings which arise during this process.

3) Speak to God. Whether you use words or ideas or images or all three is not important. Offer to Him whatever thoughts, feelings or memories the passage has stirred up in you. This may involve confessing a sin, confronting a struggle or a past hurt, or recognising a longing within yourself.

Allow God’s Spirit and His Word to dialogue with you about the matters you have raised, bringing His acceptance, forgiveness, comfort and healing. Allow Him to inform and transform your ideas and memories.

4) Simply rest in God’s presence, experiencing His love and grace, His joy and peace. You are tasting His goodness. You may have no need for words. You may wish to return to the words of the passage, or to note a particular invitation or affirmation which you sense God is giving you.

Do not worry about assessing the quality of your lectio divina as if you were “performing” or seeking some goal. Lectio divina has no goal other than that of being in the presence of God by praying the Scriptures

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is a recent Ladder of edition - e-book - of The Ladder of Monks. ---; also see