Friday 29 May 2009

They will burn us alive DAWN Pakistan

‘They will burn us alive’  

The DAWN News, Pakistan 

28th May 2009 


They will burn us alive

‘I suffered these burn wounds while trying to douse the flames in a friend’s house that was set ablaze by armed attackers,’ said another man, Iqbal, in the town.

‘They were Taliban. But not the kind they show on TV, who wear turbans and long beards. They were residents of a nearby locality. First, the children of that locality attacked us. Then their elders came and attacked us. They were chanting pro-Taliban slogans,’ he said.

A woman from his house said: ‘We still can't sleep at night. We feel very scared. A slight knock on our doors sends chills through our spines and our men keep looking out of the house to check for attackers. We are afraid that anything can happen to us at anytime.’

‘Many people who were living in rented houses have left the locality, but we can’t do that. We own this house and have no where else to go.’ 

Click on to  full story 

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